Digital Spotlight - New eResources

Digital Spotlight

We have a fantastic new range of eResources in our Library Online and we're confident there's something for everyone!

Bridget Williams Books is an award-winning New Zealand publisher with eBook collections including: The Treaty of Waitangi Collection, The New Zealand History Collection, The BWB Texts Collection covering big New Zealand subjects, The Critical Issues Collection a collection of short books on big issues, The New Zealand Sign Language Collection, and The Women's Studies Collection.

Britannica Library is an online and interactive version of Encyclopædia Britannica with three collections featuring age appropriate material from Britannica Library for Kids, Britannica Library for Teens and Britannica Library for Adults.

Gale provides scholarly resources for learning and research and facilitates the discovery of knowledge and insights by all people, for all purposes. The collection spans across many topics from Books and Authors, to Business and Entrepreneurship, to Environmental Studies — plus many more. It also includes National Geographic - Kids and National Geographic for Adults.

EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, eBooks and discovery service for students, researchers and general interest use. We've added a broad range of new collections from Auto Repair Source, to a History Reference Centre, to Consumer Health Complete, to the Home Improvement Reference Centre, to a Science Reference Centre — just to name a few!

Haynes Manuals AllAccess puts a library of world famous online repair manuals at your fingertips. The portfolio covers millions of the most popular cars and motorcycles, and includes detailed information on all the common repair and service tasks. Many of the most popular models also have access to the Haynes OnDemand video tutorials, which are the ultimate aid to getting your vehicle back on the road.

All of these resources can be accessed for free, on phones, tablets and computers, via the Library Online. All you need handy is your library card and pin/password.