Digital Spotlight - Discover a World of Knowledge at Your Fingertips!

Learn something new with the library online. We have a huge range of Online Learning and Research tools, we're pretty sure there's something for everyone.

Are you interested in repairing your car engine? Check out Haynes Manuals, Auto Repair Source or the Small Engine Repair Reference Centre.


Are you a budding entrepreneur? Check out the Gale Business: Plan Builder, Gale Business: Entrepreneurship, or the Small Business Reference Centre


Do you want to learn a new craft? Check out CreativeBug.


Do you want to research a range of topics from Antique prices, to World History, to Health and Wellness, or the Culinary Arts, or Hospitality and Tourism? We've got a great selection of research databases on our Research & History page that provide you with a world of knowledge!


Or have you always wanted to learn a new language? Check out Mango Languages!


All you need is a library membership. Head to the Library Online to get started!