Digital Spotlight - Creativebug®

Digital Spotlight

Did you see something on Etsy that you like? Why not make it yourself with creativebug®?

What is Creativebug®? A repository of thousands of award-winning art and craft video classes, taught by recognised design experts and artists. There’s so much great content on there for all types of crafting pursuits. 

If you’ve ever been interested in knitting, macrame, quilting, painting, and more, try creativebug®  we’re pretty sure you’ll find something to suit you.

What do I need to use it? Creativebug® is available via the web, as well as from the Apple App Store or Google Play. All you need then is your library card number and pin/password.

If you need some help with creativebug® (or any other library systems), visit our FAQ page, or chat to a librarian.