Unattended Child Policy

Ultimately, parents and caregivers are responsible for the supervision, safety and behaviour of their children under law as per the Summary Offences Act 1981, and must make reasonable provision for the care and supervision of their children.

Library staff will do their best to ensure the safety of children while they are in the library. Library staff are responsible for acting on any concerns for unaccompanied or unsupervised children in the library, however, library staff will not assume responsibility or be liable for any unaccompanied or unsupervised child.

  • Children may not be left in the care or supervision of any child who is under 14 years of age.
  • If this should occur, the child/children will be considered to be unaccompanied and appropriate action taken.
  • The Library recognises it is reasonable to expect older children to visit on their own
  • Each situation involving an unaccompanied or unsupervised child or young person of any age under 18 will be considered on its own merits and is at the discretion of library staff.
  • Young people between ages fourteen and eighteen are free to utilize the library as long as needed, provided they are conducting themselves suitably and demonstrating appropriate library behaviour.

Please click below to read the full Unattended Child Policy.