Digital Spotlight - Libby & BorrowBox

Are you on the go and got time for a story? Or just didn't find time to pop into the library for a book? That's not a problem... you can find your next eBook or eAudiobook on BorrowBox and Libby!

We have a huge range of titles available in our eCollection, and what's even better is our doors are never closed, with 24/7 access from the comfort of your own home, car, or any time you're on the go. All you need handy is your library card and pin/password. 

How can I read eBooks and eMagazines?

*Please note - the only Kindle device that is compatible with BorrowBox and Libby is the Kindle Fire (the apps are available on the Amazon store).

How can I listen to eAudiobooks?

  • If you have an Android or Apple device you can listen to eAudiobooks via Libby on Android or Apple and BorrowBox on Android or Apple.
  • You'll need to log into each app using your Library card and pin/password.
  • You have the option to download eAudiobooks which comes in super handy when you might be out of phone reception.

How can I find my next eBook or eAudiobook?

We recommend looking for your next eBook or eAudiobook on our catalogue.