Library Online Accessibility

This table provides information about the accessibility features of some of our eResource platforms. We have compiled a table that summarizes the accessibility features of the following platforms:

  • PressReader,
  • BorrowBox,
  • Libby,
  • Bridget Williams Books,
  • Beamafilm, and
  • Bloomsbury Video Library.

This table provides information on text-to-speech, screen reader compatibility, font size/color adjustment, dyslexia font option, keyboard navigation, closed captioning, audio descriptions, and high-contrast mode features for each platform.

Accessibility Feature Beamafilm Bloomsbury Video Library BorrowBox Bridget Williams Books Libby PressReader
Closed Captioning Yes Yes (some content) Yes (limited support) No Yes (limited support) No
Audio Description No No Yes (limited support) No Yes (limited support) No
Subtitle Options Yes (multiple languages) Yes (multiple languages) Yes (multiple languages) No Yes (multiple languages) Yes (multiple languages)
Text Adjustments Yes (font size) No Yes (font size, color) Yes (font size, color) Yes (font size, color) Yes (font size, color)
Screen Reader No No Yes (limited support) Yes (full support) Yes (full support) Yes (limited support)
Braille Support No No No No No No
Search Yes (basic search) Yes (basic search) Yes (advanced search) Yes (advanced search) Yes (advanced search) Yes (advanced search)
Bookmarks Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multiple Formats Yes (streaming) Yes (streaming) Yes (eBooks, eAudiobooks) Yes (eBooks, eAudiobooks) Yes (eBooks, eAudiobooks) Yes (eMagazines, eNewspapers)
Sync Across Devices Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Platform Support Web, iOS, Android Web Web, iOS, Android Web Web, iOS, Android Web, iOS, Android
Free Access Through local libraries Through local libraries Through local libraries Through local libraries Through local libraries Through local libraries

*Please note that this information is based on general knowledge and may not reflect the current accessibility features of the respective platforms/products. For up-to-date and accurate information, it is recommended to refer to the official websites of the platforms directly. We hope that this table serves as a helpful resource for individuals seeking accessible online platforms.