1,000 Books Before School

“The days are long, but the years are short.” - Gretchen Rubin

We're delighted to announce the launch of the Queenstown Lakes Libraries’ 1,000 Books Before School early literacy reading programme!!

There are heaps of reasons why you should participate in this programme, but we won’t go into those.

What I really hope that you get from this programme is TIME - time to take a step back from our endlessly busy lives. Cuddle up and breathe in the deliciousness of your baby’s personal scent. Enjoy their surprisingly sturdy little bodies fitting into yours. Experience life through their eyes - and enjoy the curious minds of those new little souls.

May these bonding moments set the stage for a lifetime of connection. We hope that you can see these everyday bits of the ordinary for what they are - truly magical. 

For while the umbilical cord is cut, it is moments like these that will connect you and your little one forever. 

We hope you enjoy your collective journey through 1000 books. 

Read all about the programme here.

Join us at our launch event on Saturday 12 November 2022, details can be found here.

We'd also like to say a big thank you to our generous sponsors